HuntingArcheryBowfishingBowfishing Arrows & PointsBowfishing ArrowsCajun Bowfishing Sting-A-Ree Point Wasp Arrow

Cajun Bowfishing Sting-A-Ree Point Wasp Arrow

Color: Black
Cajun Bowfishing Sting-A-Ree Point Wasp Arrow.jpg
Simple Color
ID: 550761

Product Description


The Cajun Bowfishing Fiberglass and Carbon Infused Arrow with Sting-A-Ree Tournament Reversible Point features an improved shaft design made with a fusion of black carbon fiber and red fiberglass. The Sting-A-Ree point is the original reversible point, which was patented in 1963. This point allows for instant fish removal without touching the fish and penetrates deeply and grabs tight.


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