AthleticsTennisTennis RacquetsBabolat Pure Strike 98 16x19 Tennis Racquet

Babolat Pure Strike 98 16x19 Tennis Racquet

20% off
Grip Size
4 1/4"
4 3/8"
4 1/2"
Color: White / Red / Black
Babolat Pure Strike 98 16x19 Tennis Racquet White / Red / Black
Simple Color
ID: 1486173

Product Description


The Babolat Pure Strike 16x19 Tennis Racquet (4th Gen) is part of a generation of racquets specifically created to provide even more control and feel at impact. Pure Strike racquets are ideal for versatile, daring game-changers, and fast, compact counter players. This racquet is the benchmark for aggressive hitters with large swing ranges looking to control their natural power.


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