AthleticsTennisTennis RacquetsBabolat Pure Drive Tennis Racquet

Babolat Pure Drive Tennis Racquet

Grip Size
4 1/8"
4 1/4"
4 1/2"
Color: Blue
Babolat Pure Drive Tennis Racquet Blue
Simple Color
Only1in stock
ID: 714964

Product Description


FULL OF TECHNOLOGY - BABOLAT PURE DRIVE TENNIS RACQUET. Enjoy a new spin on the beloved Pure Drive racquet with the Babolat Pure Drive Tennis Racquet, with more flex than its counterpart. Cortex Pure Feel uses graphite in the frame head to absorbthe impact of all your hardest hits, while Woofer technology integrates strings for decreased twisting. With all these features and more, you'll definitely turn some heads when you excel on the court. Comes unstrung.


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